主题:something weird [8]
my phone bill is over $500 last month,i cant pay it so i decided to talk to the representive of tmobile,but the tmobile person told me it was paid by check........

who wrote this check for me? over $500,nobody!
my roommate said it is the present from God.

I believe in God now
№0 ☆☆☆westwind 2004-11-12 02:37:28留言☆☆☆  加书签 投诉 不再看TA

№1 ☆☆☆小笨蛋2004-11-12 02:53:57留言☆☆☆ 
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no,i didnt tell anybody about my phone bill..........
№2 ☆☆☆westwind2004-11-12 03:14:29留言☆☆☆ 
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№3 ☆☆☆悟空2004-11-12 03:29:58留言☆☆☆ 
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i am assuming your phone is a cellphone. how did you get your phone? i mean if you signed any contract with tmobile? did you pay any deposit for your cell?
№4 ☆☆☆nod nod2004-11-12 05:29:38留言☆☆☆ 
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№5 ☆☆☆印度阿三2004-11-12 08:32:27留言☆☆☆ 
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jesus.i just can not type chinese,
my major is not english,so if somebody laughs at me,i dont give a shit
ps: at least no american laughs at me,
№6 ☆☆☆westwind2004-11-12 09:05:43留言☆☆☆ 
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yes,cell phone.i deposit, because i dont have credit card.
№7 ☆☆☆westwind2004-11-12 09:07:50留言☆☆☆ 
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Yup, then that might be the reason. It happened to my friend too. He went back to China for 3 months during summer and he didn’t pay his bill in advance. So his cellphone company just credited his deposit to pay his bill. Well, in a way, that’s good. You could actually get to "use" your deposit money because if u don’t and your contract ends, it takes a LONG time to get your deposit back. And you get no interest for your deposit.
№8 ☆☆☆nod nod2004-11-12 09:24:54留言☆☆☆ 
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